
Tuesday, October 6

Resourceful Writing Books That I Own

My bookshelf sways and groans under the weight of a vast assortment of books.  Now that NaNoWriMo is less than a month away it is time for me to dust off my writing shelf.  I’m always looking for new books, most of which end up on my Amazon Wish list for a ridiculous amount of time.  Here are a few that I own.

Eat, Shoots, & LeavesThe Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation
by Lynne Truss
I bought this just last week when I stumbled upon Derby Street Books in Salem, Ma.  Hopefully it will help my sentence structure.
The Everything Creative Writing Book
by Carol Whiteley

Picked this one up on vacation at my favorite used book store.  I read about screenwriting on the plane trip home but don’t think that is what I’ll be referring to right now.
Guide to Fiction Writing
by Phyliss Whitney
Prolific author’s approach to novel writing.

Some old, some new.  I still have my first dictionary that my best friend growing up gave me.  I probably still need to look up words in it too.

My brain jumps to certain words repeatedly and a thesaurus helps me to change it up.

What books do you have on hand?  Is there a particular book that you go back to time and again?  I have a feeling I’m going to need another bookcase.


  1. I loved Eats, Shoots and Leaves even though I've got more of a 50% tolerance for punctuation errors.

  2. My favorite is Eats, Shoots and Leaves though the "everything creative writing book" sounds interesting. Writing is something that can be continually improved.

  3. Thanks for the comments. I first heard about
    "Eats" during an online writing class.

    @Tracy ha ha I can handle 50%. I'm almost afraid to read the book and look back at some of my scribbling!

    @Dipankar I picked up the everything writing on a whim and really enjoyed it. It's not to in depth but an overview of many different writing styles and one of my favorites, picture books, is included.


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