
Thursday, December 31

500 Word Challenge

500words-200wSince posting, I haven't been consistent with this lovely challenge so I'm taking the badge down. Wah!

When I reach my goal next week I'll put it back on. Yay!

Hope everyone has a safe last day of 2009 and see you next year.

Saturday, December 19

At the park

I haven't been on here but finals are almost through and then like the picture shows I'll be free!!!

Tuesday, December 8

500 Words a Day Challenge: ONE

December is here and I'm trying to keep the NaNo momentum going.  Starting today I'm going to give the 500 words a day challenge a go.  See the pretty new badge?

This challenge from Inky Girl is very straightforward you need to write 500 words daily, six days a week to do it.

I'm looking forward to working more on my NaNo novel but even more excited to get back to a few children's book series that I've had on the back burner.

Have you tried this
challenge or a similar one?  What was it like?

Saturday, December 5

Changing my Theme...

Hello! I'm finally updating the theme. Unfortunately, what looked good on my fake site doesn't really look so hot in reality.

If you are viewing this in IE you probably won't be able to see my linkbar. Sorry, I will be fixing it soon.

I'm running out to watch a mind numbing movie and destress before I come back ;) -C

Tuesday, December 1

NaNo Wrap-Up

30 days and over 34,000 words later and Nanowrimo is over.  Not exactly the 50,000 goal but 17,447 shy of it.  Technically, I'm not a winner but with a busy schedule and unexpected happenings which always seemed to pop up during my writing time I'm pumped that I completed even 65%!

Will I do it again?

Yes. I've learned much about myself and my writing habits.  I tend to use the same words over and over again.  I'm better with dialogue than with descriptions.  I didn't research nearly enough and my characters were not as solid as I thought they were.


What would I do differently?

More Research! 

If I do the same genre I'll have much already done but even if it isn't I'll know what basics to start with.  

Geography, History, Language, Food, Customs, Clothing, Transportation, etc :)

Character Development. 

Instead of just filling out a questionnaire I'll spend more time visualizing the characters and imagining how they would react to situations.

Scheduled Time to Write.

- Go to Write-Ins.  That way I'm not home to get distracted by anything and everything.

- Do more Word Wars.  

- Warn people to stay away from me.

- Cut back on superfluous activities.  I did cut back on TV & Movies but... distractions can be so much fun!

Would you do it again and if so would you change anything?  Share below!

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