A new year and another attempt at the Write1Sub1 challenge. My goal for 2011 was to write and submit one story monthly. I fell off the wagon in the spring but revamped later in the year to complete about 20 stories but really struggled to submit. I got four individual rejections and two published (they were twitter fiction pieces). It might not be what I set out to accomplish but I still submitted at least 7 stories and that was 7 more than ever before.
On to 2012 I’m going to try the monthly version of short stories again. Plus, I’m adding the Novel Challenge, a shoot off form of W1S1 from the Absolute Forums. Seeing others work towards similar goals has been all the difference in plugging away. I need a firmer plan than last year so here’s how I’m going to do it.
- 12 Shorts: work on a short story collection from a flash I wrote during StoryADay.
- 1 Novel: finish my NaNo first draft by January, let it sit while I work on some wonky world building and have it ready to query by October. That will have me ready for NaNo 2012.
- Speaking of NaNo I want to start planning a little earlier this year, August, so I can really crank out the story come November.
- Alex, another writer participating in this December blog chain mentioned blogging goals and think that is a great idea. So I’m going to post once a week, I can’t promise to do that on all my hibernating blogs though.
What about you? Are you making plans for 2012?